Monday, March 23, 2009

Family Updates

I hope that everyone is doing well. I hope that our family and friends have been enjoying the blog and the many pictures of Lily.
Updates: Lily had some issues last week and did not go poop for 3 days! We tried giving her some rice cereal and her body just can't handle even the smallest amount yet. Joe and I took her to the doctor and he suggested some juice. Which she loved! But it did not make her go number 2!! So, on Friday night we decided to use the glycerin laxative. Just a few moments later and a few good pushes and her plumbing is back to normal!

Joe has celebrated his 9th year at Quad Plus. He is busy all the time and his cell phone is physically attached to his ear.

I just celebrated my 3rd year at Cornerstone. I am studying for my license for my counseling degree. I am hoping to start teaching at Lewis University in the fall.

Also, I am very interested in child development and I am amazed by my little lady everyday and her development. I think I may start conducting a long-term research study on developmentally age-appropriate toys and their affect on child development (i.e., emotional, physical, social and intellectual). As you know, I am not a huge fan of the toys on the markets for kids currently. I like the toys of our generations and earlier: simple! I think many parents put these "over stimulating" toys into their children's hands and these toys are left to do the thinking. I am more interested in unstructured play and toys that require the children to use their brains to come up with the story, etc. I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject. And how you feel kids are being overly stimulated these days by the toys that are on the market. Thanks for any input.

1 comment:

  1. She looks like a court jester and not a happy one...poor Lily! LOL!
