Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Hat

Lily loves wearing things on her head and then she has to see herself in the mirror...typically she laughs at herself. last night we even were putting stickers on our faces. She was dying laughing! LOL What a cute little shit!

sick little one

Lily has pneumonia! She is slowly getting better and has been a real tropper this last week of being sick. Here is a cute picture of her sleeping on the floor.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Lily's 1st Birthday Party

We want to thank everyone for attending Lily's 1st Birthday was a great success. Lily had a good time and so did we. Here are a few pictures of the party. Her cousin Emma helped open the present's; while Luke helped by handing her a new present.
Thanks again!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Some exciting news

1. I was offered a course to teach at Lewis University: Theories of Personality. It's an undergrad class and I am SUPER excited and SUPER nervous. I start in January. It's one night a week. I'll miss my family, but it's a good thing.
2. Lily has decided that she would like to crawl and is doing a good job. And of course she is walking all over the place.

that is all for now! ;)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Random Pic

here's a picture of Lily before she fell down and bumped her little head. She is doing fine today, but she is a little cautious about walking around. :( Poor Baby!

Monday, October 5, 2009

string of illnesses

My poor little baby Lily has had her fill of mystery illnesses over the past few weeks. Started off with a runny nose and popping out 3 top teeth. Then the next week was several days of poopy diapers (12 in one day). Now over the weekend she had this high fever (103 at night) and (100 during the day). Took her to the doctor on Sunday and there isn't nothing "wrong" with her. No ear, nose, throat infections. So we just babied her over the weekend and just relaxed. She woke up last night feeling cool- thought we were out of it. This morning she was 99.9. So we will continue the fever reducer throughout the day today as well.

On the lighter side: Lily has been eating a bunch of new foods. Makes it harder for me to think of healthier meals for dinner for Joe and I too eat knowing she is going to be eating it too. She really LOVES feeding herself and will fight you when you try to feed her. She will be 10 months old this week. I can hardly believe it.

We went to dinner on Friday for Auntie Lori's 35th b-day. Lily had a good time eating bread, noodles, meat balls, and her first taste of cake/ whip cream. Oh yeah, she loved the cake! LOL it was nice hanging with the family.

Poor daddy's 36th b-day was a rip off for him. We stayed in the house all day Saturday because of baby! Sorry Joe! We will make it up to you. We were going to take daddy out to dinner in Chicago on Saturday, but it had to be canceled. :(

Monday, September 21, 2009

The K family Pictures

Here are a bunch of pictures that the Kowalkowski family took a few weekends ago. I like the jumping picture and the pyramid the best! LOL. I am surprised no one got injured!

The Offical First Steps post!!!

Yes, Lily took her first steps over the weekend. She is even catching herself when she goes to fall forward. She is doing very well with walking and only holding onto one of our hands as well. Our friend Keith says that we shouldn't let her walk and every time she tries to push her down! LOL I'm looking forward to the walking around, give the ol'mom's back a break! agh!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Morning Cutie Pie!

Here's our little lady first thing in the morning. Still with her suckie and blanket. She sits so nice in her high chair while I feed the animals.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Family picture

9 Months update!

Lily had her 9 month check-up and all is great with her.
20lbs, 29inches!!
The doctor was amazed at her language skills and she even said "animal" and "Music" for him. He said she was a genius!

Isn't this a great picture??? Joe took this yesterday while she was eating a peach. What a cutie pie!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

a couple new words

Lily has started saying "more", "mine" and "milk." It must be time for the "M's".
And when we asked her to say DADA- she did. That made daddy feel good.

Another new thing she likes to do is slide around on the floors with her socks. You are holding her hands to walk, she leans back and you know she wants to go sliding. She loves it. I am going to attach some microfiber towels to her feet and she can clean the floor!

My baby has a runny nose! :( it's clear, but it's annoying. She of course HATES Kleenex, getting her buggers sucked out, etc. I made Joe go to Wal-Mart at 10:30pm last night to get a vaporizer- which was recommended by Devon and Kristen (thanks ladies and sorry for the late night texts). I hope she gets better soon!

She started eating these little baby puffs- she loves them. She is doing very good with sampling foods and not choking. But...note to self, don't give her lettuce...she did choke on that!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Musical Toy

Here is a musical table that we bought for Lily. It came yesterday and it's quite fun. Lily LOVES beating on the drums. I will have to get a video of that as well. At this point, she is mostly interested in bitting on the drum sticks...but mommy and daddy are having fun! LOL

Monday, August 24, 2009

Because my kid is a genius

This activity cube as this little doors (see the Zebra colored)- Well, she LOVES this toy and we practice saying the words over and over. And one day, she said Zebra and Frog. It's quite amazing.

Lily has a few new words:

1. Zebra (and I have video proof that I will post later)

2. Frog

3. Ball

4. Spoon

5. Dada

6. and of course: Mama (but she has been saying that for a while)

7. Tiger - but it sounds like "ger"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Vacation to Chicago.

The Bean...Can you find Lily and Joe?

Listening to an orchestra practicing. it was very nice.

On this cool bridge on our way to the Bean. It was made out of Stainless Steel. Very hot to the touch.

Ahhh...yes, my kid has very expensive taste.

The Bean is a cool place to take pictures. It actually looks like Joe is higher than us.

This water feature was FULL of kids. These two towers have water that runs down then and about 1 inch of water on the ground. And the towers spray a huge stream of water out of those imagines' mouths. Very cool.

Family photo along the lake front. I was half tempted not to post this picture..not a great picture of my stomach! LOL Damn that bellybutton!

Here's a rare picture of baby and daddy. Daddy is usually the one shooting the pictures.

Mommy and baby with the Shedd in the background..

Lily riding a turtle at the Shedd.