Thursday, April 16, 2009

18 Week Well Baby Check-up (4+ months)

Lily went for her "4" month shots and check up today and she is doing great!! She cried for the shots. I am sure she will be sore and crabby today. Poor baby! She also scratched herself in the eye this morning and has a little cut on her cornea But she will be fine.
Stats: 27.5 inches long (well above average for her age) & 16.01 Pounds!
Doctor said we can start introducing foods if we would like. First rice cereal for a few days, then veggies and then fruit. Pretty exciting for baby! We also need to get her out in the sun for some vitamin D! So, grandma is taking her out for a walk today. Lily spent some time outside with mommy throwing the ball for Frankie yesterday too. It's starting to get nice outside.
Here's a picture of Lily and her Frankie taking a nap this morning before the doctor appointment!

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