The Bean...Can you find Lily and Joe?
Listening to an orchestra practicing. it was very nice.
On this cool bridge on our way to the Bean. It was made out of Stainless Steel. Very hot to the touch.
Ahhh...yes, my kid has very expensive taste.
The Bean is a cool place to take pictures. It actually looks like Joe is higher than us.
This water feature was FULL of kids. These two towers have water that runs down then and about 1 inch of water on the ground. And the towers spray a huge stream of water out of those imagines' mouths. Very cool.
Family photo along the lake front. I was half tempted not to post this picture..not a great picture of my stomach! LOL Damn that bellybutton!
Here's a rare picture of baby and daddy. Daddy is usually the one shooting the pictures.
Mommy and baby with the Shedd in the background..
Lily riding a turtle at the Shedd.
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