My poor little baby Lily has had her fill of mystery illnesses over the past few weeks. Started off with a runny nose and popping out 3 top teeth. Then the next week was several days of poopy diapers (12 in one day). Now over the weekend she had this high fever (103 at night) and (100 during the day). Took her to the doctor on Sunday and there isn't nothing "wrong" with her. No ear, nose, throat infections. So we just babied her over the weekend and just relaxed. She woke up last night feeling cool- thought we were out of it. This morning she was 99.9. So we will continue the fever reducer throughout the day today as well.
On the lighter side: Lily has been eating a bunch of new foods. Makes it harder for me to think of healthier meals for dinner for Joe and I too eat knowing she is going to be eating it too. She really LOVES feeding herself and will fight you when you try to feed her. She will be 10 months old this week. I can hardly believe it.
We went to dinner on Friday for Auntie Lori's 35th b-day. Lily had a good time eating bread, noodles, meat balls, and her first taste of cake/ whip cream. Oh yeah, she loved the cake! LOL it was nice hanging with the family.
Poor daddy's 36th b-day was a rip off for him. We stayed in the house all day Saturday because of baby! Sorry Joe! We will make it up to you. We were going to take daddy out to dinner in Chicago on Saturday, but it had to be canceled. :(