Last night was a sad day for mommy... It was the first night that Lily slept in her own crib, in her own room all night. I had Lily sleeping in the crib in our room since we brought her home from the hospital. I was nervous about having her in the other room. It seemed so far away. She did well though. She got up twice, ate, and right back to bed. She had to adjust to sleeping without a blanket. In our room, I felt confident enough to have her bundled with a blanket. She really loves to cuddle her face into something soft.
Last night she was a little crabby before bed. I think she was having some acid reflux issues, so we gave her some medication. Her little belly is SO sensitive to what I eat. Bad Mommy!!
This weekend was a nice weekend, yet a little rainy. We did venture out to do some errands and eat at the Cheesecake Factory. YUM
This week, we have to get her 3 month pictures taken...DADDY!!! That's daddy's job, he's the
photographer in the house and also some pictures of her in the baptism gown as well.
Daddy is coming down with a cold. He was having a rough night breathing last night and snoring (which he normally doesn't do). So send get well wishes to Joe. He needs them.
Check back tomorrow. I will upload some pictures we took over the weekend. Lily makes the funniest faces!
LOLOh yeah...let's hope this time change jump starts mother nature and let's her know that we would like spring now!!